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On September 29, the team of Gebrüder Egli Maschinen AG gathered for a special company event to celebrate their achievements, introduce the new faces and strengthen the team spirit.

The event kicked off with a warm welcome for our new employees across various departments. We also greeted our two new apprentices - a construction equipment mechanic and a design engineer - who are just stepping foot into their new and exciting world of work.

Another highlight of the evening was the honoring of long-standing employees. Adrian, Felix and Daniel were celebrated for their impressive 15 years with our company, while Igor has been part of our team for a remarkable 5 years. Their continuous dedication and exemplary performance have contributed significantly to our success.

We also had the opportunity to benchmark various divisions, including sales, engineering, IT and accounting. We are extremely proud of the progress we have made and look forward to adding some new excavator attachments to our product range soon.

The evening ended in a shared dinner and lots of laughter. What a great opportunity to celebrate the familiar atmosphere and our team spirit. We look forward to many more years of successful cooperation!