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Egli Christmas bash 2023

On December 22, 2023, the eagerly awaited Christmas bash took place at the Egli headquarters. Over 50 employees came together in the attic of the company in Rossrüti, many of whom were accompanied by their partners and children. 

The celebration kicked off with a hearty reception, as guests were treated to an aperitif and delicious homemade pumpkin soup. Roland Egli, one of the company's founding brothers, then took the stage and gave a short speech reflecting on the past year.

A special highlight was in store for the little ones (as well as the grown-ups) - they were invited to unleash their creativity by coloring and decorating cookies as well as dipping delicious fruit in the chocolate fountain. In addition, those interested were even allowed to gain their first experience working in the excavator cabin in the workshop.

With this unforgettable evening, we bid a final farewell to 2023 and are looking forward to a successful new year. Many thanks for all the lively discussions, exciting projects, cozy evenings, terrific collaborations and new encounters that we were able to experience in 2023. Here's to a prosperous 2024!