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On Friday, September 29, our employees took part in an important fire safety training course. The training was conducted by an expert from K.A.B Brandschutz, which is known throughout Switzerland as a leading provider of comprehensive fire protection.

In the first, theoretical part of the course, the participants were informed about the basics of fire development. This included the three prerequisites for the outbreak of fire, the different classes of fire, potential sources of danger and the correct procedure for raising the alarm in the event of a fire.

The second part of the course took place outdoors. There, our employees had the opportunity to learn first-hand how to use fire extinguishers correctly and were able to gain their first experience with both fire blankets and fire extinguishers.

Thanks to this exciting and extremely informative fire safety training course, our team is now better equipped to act calmly and prudently in the event of a fire and thus minimize the risk of damage and injury.